2016 has begun

Officially...I am 29 days LATE in writing this blog post. One of my resolutions was to write more blogs and articles, my scrambled brain has other ideas. Most of us have discarded our resolutions for the new year, however CrossFit Croydon is thriving at the moment. We are very impressed with the dedication and resilience of our members, that they are working so hard to move like they love their bodies, eat foods that nourish their activity level, and live a life that is of purpose and passion. My personal training clients are already kicking goals and I am excited to launch a new 6 week program when I return from Byron Bay.
As I sit here typing, Eric is reading the toddlers some stories in their bed and Reef is snoring away in our bed after a team effort to get him to sleep. Melbourne is experiencing a gorgeous roasting summer...and we have no air con...I'd love to say this is my wild hippy self taking a stand for sustainable sources, but we just rent and our land lord sucks. I started this blog ten days ago...Melbourne has been washed out in the last 48hours.
On the 28th Dec last year we crashed our car and in amongst all the effing bills I pay, I forgot to pay insurance. So we have been lucky enough that we have been able to borrow two cars since then and finally we were able to get a new one. The new car is critical as we are driving to Byron Bay...in 17 days...to get married.
Bringing me to the point of my post. How the fluff do I get in "shape" for my wedding?!
Well as a gym owner you may be baffled to know that most of my workouts actually happen in my lounge room or in my bedroom, I usually have at least one child climbing on me or demanding something and that as hard as it may be most of my workouts involve my own body weight and a (child or) fit ball if anything, despite wanting all my strength numbers to go up or desperately wanting to practice drills on the bar or rings.
For some reason no one in our family wants to help out with three children haha.
So today we asked Aunty Maggie to come to the gym so that Eric, myself and two mates could quickly move some weight around and get sweaty without the pressure of taking one to the toilet, appeasing the other ones insatiable appetite, and holding the constantly-in-arms 8month old. I got through about 17minutes of a workout which was a huge win and then fed little man and organised our office area while the boys hit up a row. While daddy coached and I had the kiddos I decided to complete the workout I set my Mummas today. I had Reef climbing on me and Marli (our labrador) eating Raine's dinner whilst I completed:

10 Scap Push Ups
10 Push Up-Arch
!0 4point ipilateral stabilisation
10 Back Support with a leg kick
10 Burpees
20 Jumping Lunges
30 Side Plank knee taps
20 jumping Lunges
10 Burpees

Tonight after putting the kids to sleep, and two glasses of wine, I did some yoga whilst the fiance put Reef's nappies in the wash.
Today I had woken up extremely exhausted after this week; its been emotional, I over indulged in my body weight worth of cider, its been hugely productive, and hugely stressful. I am learning to accept my organised chaotic life as one of beauty....

"I dont think I was built for a love that is comfortable or uncomplicated. There is a restlessness in me that will always be drawn to dark, madly passionate things. The intoxicating highs and devastating lows. The chaos and the conflict." Beau Taplin

Tim McDonaldComment
Welcome to the mumma movement

Thankyou for joining us here, this special place for women to connect, share the experience of motherhood and life in an unedited way. 
This week you will be introduced to a few of our contributors and over the coming months have access to positive birth stories, the unglamorous act of parenting, health advice and a good laugh, because we cant survive this journey without making light in the darkest of places.
My name is Sarah, or Coach Sares. I have three hippy babes River (4yo), Raine (2yo), and Reef (20weeks) and a very spunky fiance, Eric (E). E and I own CrossFit Croydon, Yoga for everyBODY and CrossFit Mummas. This is our second year running these businesses and we previously owned another CrossFit affiliate  after personal training from GoodLife/Fenix in Mooroolbark, Eastern Victoria. I have a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science with majors in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, hold a CrossFit Level 2 certificate, and my basic yoga teacher training. I plan to further my education this summer (get excited) and again next year but we shall see.
My passion is helping women love themselves and treat their bodies in a loving way, before babies, during pregnancy and while they raise little humans. I have found CrossFit to be empowering and have the best results personally, and I train my clients in a very holistic way.
We are a vegan family, E is a 'contentious consumer', we practice attachment parenting, extended and co-breastfeeding, co-sleeping, cloth nappy-ing, part time elimination communication (EC), baby-led weaning (blw), baby wearing and are currently sending River to a Steiner kindergarden. 
My first birth ended in an emergency cesarean section, I had a beautiful healing home birth (HBAC) with Raine and also had Reef at home with no complications. I have recovered well each time and believe that every mother will have a different experience and should be treated like a goddess during all stages of this journey. 
No topic is off limits here...enjoy!

Tim McDonaldComment
Life with a newborn

At 6am this morning Raine came in to my room, I'd been feeding Reef since about 5. We did the toilet run and got back into bed for a feed, Raine on one side, Reef on the other (very painful side). River came in and I knew the day had officially begun.
What I wanted was to get up before the toddlers and do some yoga before having a shower. Instead, I got to diaphragm breathe whilst breastfeeding...thankfully I managed to settle Reef and was able to take Raine to the toilet again, pop the oven on and have a 30second shower with a very demanding audience.
Last night I prepared breakfast:
- sliced apples to cover the bottom of baking dish, water to cover them
- frozen raspberries on top
- covered in oats
- sprinkled with cinnamon
Which was easy to bake for 10mins and serve with coconut milk. Buckinis and chia seeds would have made an excellent topping however our budget has been tight since Bali & Reef's birth. 
Unfortunately I need to get my tax return done before I am eligible for government assistance (paid parental leave). This is most frustrating and another thing I feel anxious about.

Being a mum of three is like being on an island...while friends and family have been incredibly kind and supportive running after toddlers & a newborn is super rough especially when Eric is at work. It will be delightful to get some sort of social life back, especially to see my mother's group! We missed everyone's birthday parties this year :(

Reef is very calm and does sleep a lot, however he also feeds a lot and because of the tongue and lip tie, feeding is painful/exhausting/frustrating. The first two weeks after my milk came in was ridiculous...so much milk, engorgement, constantly leaking porn star boobs. Not even Raine could handle the volume and force of my let down. I haven't fed her much in the last few days as Reef and I have passed thrush back and forth and he has split my nipple. Tandem feeding is amazing but super hard work.

Today I had a client at 8.30am, trained a little at 9am and had another client at 10am. I wish I could crash out I'm so tired...its 1pm.
I am extremely proud that I got everyone dressed, fed and out the door with enough time to pick up coffees and get to the gym on time. 
Recovery is going well, training is focused on postural alignment, glute activation, pelvic & shoulder stability and healing the small separation of my abdominals (one finger now).
This pic is from this morning 18days post partum:


Being gentle with myself and just trying to make it through one day at a time. 

Tim McDonaldComment